№1076209 Пожалуйста , помогите с переводом ,МРТ
Даша Жен., 43 лет. Россия Москва
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07.09.2020 12:39
25535297 examination sequences: FSE T1 axial, FSE T2 axial, coronal, sagittal , Flair axial brain MRI examination ; cross-sections passing through Posterior fossa; 4. The ventricle is of normal width on the midline. Gray-white matter concentrations of cerebellar hemispheres are normal. The cerebellar sulcuses are of normal width. At the mesencephalon level, cerebral pedicles and tecal plaque are normally monitored. Pons and bulbus are normal. Brainstem sisternas are open. Millimeter T2 and FLAIR hyperintensities with 1 cortical white matter placement in the right frontal and 3-4 in the frontoparyetal on the left are monitored. Although it is primarily evaluated in favor of noniscemic T2 FLAIR hyperintensities, clinical correlation and follow-up are recommended for the patient in terms of demyelizing plaque exclusion. In the Supratentorial area, the ventricular system is in normal width and form. The distribution of sulcus and gyrus is normal. Signal intensities of basal ganglia are common. The gray - white matter intensities of the cerebral hemispheres are normal and do not cover space. Cerebral vascular structures are normal. The left vertebral artery is hypoplasic. Bone structures and soft tissue plans are commonplace.
Прямая специальность
Соболь Андрей Аркадьевич. Врач-психиатр, психотерапевт - г. Донецк.
Рейтинг. Соболь Андрей Аркадьевич
Врач-психиатр, психотерапевт - г. Донецк.
Выявлено образование в головном мозге, которое предположительно может быть проявлением демиелинизирующего процесса. Для уточнения - показано наблюдение в динамике, т.е. повторить МРТ через время.
Время создания: 07 Сентября 2020 17:01
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Психотерапевт онлайн ™. Независимый консультант. Всегда на связи: https://t.me/psihoterapevt_onlayn
Рейтинг. Психотерапевт онлайн ™
Независимый консультант. Всегда на связи: https://t.me/psihoterapevt_onlayn
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Время создания: 08 Сентября 2020 20:06
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(Гость) Даша 09.09.2020 22:08
Уважаемый доктор Олег Иванович Кантуев . Хочу ещё выложить результаты обследования 2014 года. 606507 protocol no cranial MR (with contrast) review: IVKM 15 cc SE T1 in the sagittal plan with contrast, SE T1 in the axial plan, FSE PD-T2, FLAIR in the coronal plan, IV. Se T1-weighted cross-sections in the axial and coronal plan after Gd-DTPA. Results: septum deviation and hypertrophy of conchae are observed in cross-sections passing through the nasal cavity. Fine mucosal thicknesses were observed in the maxillary, ethmoid sinuses. Craniofacial bones are subject to corticomedullary signal intensity distributions. Aeration of Bilateral mastoid floods is natural. Craniocervical junction anomaly was not detected. The size of the Posterior fossa is natural. Morphology and signal intensity distributions of Medulla oblangata, pons, mesencephalon and cerebellovermian formations were naturally monitored. 4. The width and configurations of the ventricles and basal Cisternas are natural. Bilateral internal acoustic channels are symmetrical and of course monitored, 7-8. The trase, contour, and signal intensity distributions of nerve complexes are natural. Both bulbus oculi, optic nerves, optical Chiasma, optical tractuses were of course monitored. Sella and parasellar formations are natural. The height and signal intensity distribution of the pituitary gland in the sella are natural. 3. and lateral ventricular widths are of course. Morphology and signal intensity distribution of the corpus callosum are natural. Bilateral thalamus, basal ganglia, Capsula interna and ile sentrum semiovale were also observed. Gray-al matter signal intensity distribution in Bilateral Cerebral Hemispheres is subject to. Cortical sulcus widths were naturally monitored. / V following contrast agent administration, no pathological contrast lesion area of intracranial neural parenchyma was detected. Anterior and posterior circulation arteries exhibit a normal signal void current pattern in SE sequences. Patent Dural venous sinuses were monitored. The left frontal deep flux has a millimeter nonspecific gliotic focus. Conclusion • * millimeter nonspecific gliotic focus in left frontal deep flux.
(Гость) Даша 09.09.2020 22:11
Gender:Female date 30.05.2014 11:56: 27 Chapter Neurology cervical MRI method: 15 cc contrast T1, T2-weighted sagittal; T2-weighted axial findings: pathological contrast involvement was not detected. Cervical lordosis is flattened. Discs are degenerate. There are slight tapering at the corners of the Corpus. Cervical vertebrae Corpus Heights, configurations, sequences are natural. C3-C4, C4-C5, C5-C6 discs have noncompressive bulging. The Spinal cord was monitored in normal form and intensity. The Atlantoaxial joint relationship has been preserved. No craniocervical junction anomalies were detected. Conclusion • * Noncompressive bulging in C3-C4, C4-C5, C5-C6 disks.
(Гость) Даша 09.09.2020 22:13
Tel(30 EMG visual evoked potasnsial (VEP),Pattern-Shift EMG report P100 wave latency in both eyes was found to be within NORMAL limits and amplitude was close to normal in the pattern REVERSAL VEP study.


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