Жен., 27 лет. Republica Moldova Anenii Noi |
Am concluzia TC. Anterolisteza L5 gr. 1 cu spondiloliza pe stinga, Osteocondroza lombara |
Врач невролог, мануальный терапевт, кандидат медицинских наук
Consultare il neurologo
Время создания: 03 Мая 2013 22:36 :: Тип участия: Прямая специальность
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Независимый медицинский консультант. Онлайн-чат:
The answers to your questions that you put in front of a virtual medical consultant, unfortunately - do not assume consultation online. In your particular case, you need a full-inspection and testing - qualified and full-time by a neurologist as well, a complete and comprehensive neurologic examination (including ancillary hardware and instrumental methods of MRI or CT) that will help the doctor determine the correct diagnosis and suggest the most effective therapeutic strategy. Without direct and comprehensive examinations by a neurologist, gave the opportunity to clarify comorbid symptoms, and the exclusion of contraindications and possible adverse reactions, skilled and safe conservative treatment (especially medication) is to appoint will not work. Good health to You! Время создания: 09 Июня 2017 14:56 :: Тип участия: Прямая специальность
Оценок: 0